
Showing posts from July, 2010

Self Promotion

OK, time for the daily check-in. What have you done today to make the world know who you are? -I'm taking a little break from self-promotion. What? -I'm an artist! Sometimes I need to be creative. So you don't consider it creative to make eye-catching postcards that you mail put to thousands of people? -Ten of which might actually look at them before tossing them in the trash? You don't think its creative to send mass emails to people you don't know and tell them about how they should link to your website? -And get reported for spam again on Facebook? Certainly you find it creative to think up ways to get all your friends to come out one more time to your latest show? -Actually, I'm beginning to wonder what the point of all my endless self-promotion has been. We talked about this many times before. Life as an artist today is all about branding yourself. It's about enhancing your name recognition. It's about making a buzz around what you do.

The Success of Your Child

Being a parent, I know you think of the success of your child. You wonder what your is going to be when he or she grows. Will they become successful? Will that tap into all that life has to offer? Will they become better than you their parent? There is no right or wrong answers to those questions, nor will they be solely found in books, however there are books out there that can aid you in the success of your child as an adult. Bear in mind, You are NOT only Raising a Child, You are Raising a Future Adult. A future responsible Adult. The book "What a Child Needs to Succeed" written by Andrea Patten and co-authored by her father is a guide to raising your Future Adult. Andrea gives insightful information to the success of what a child needs as an adult. This information comes from her own experiences as a parent and may aid you. We already know that all children are the same and different strokes for different folks but,...