Still Can't Believe This...
I have read this story over and over again and I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact that a Jury of her peers found her to be guilty and a Judge sentenced her to 20 years in Prison. Now, this is not a matter of race nor gender on my behalf, but I'm so confused. Being a former Paralegal and an Advocate for Prison Reform, as well as forming working with Inmates, I'm finding this disturbing. This lady did not commit murder, nor did she commit an assault, however, the Judge found it in his heart to sentence her to 20 years in Prison for the crime of assault. And not just assault, but aggravated assault. The only crime that I have is that she was in possession of a deadly weapon in which she only fired a warning shot to ward off her abusive husband. She did not shot him, nor did she shot at him. There is a difference. The crime was committed by her husband...abuse is abuse. Whether is physical, mental, verbal, financial, emo...