I Can Be Barack Obama
"You can be anything you want to be if you believe it. If you don't believe it, hen you can't-and that's the deal." - Rriiver Nyile At Home Biz Radio http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/jeane had the pleasure of interviewing Rriiver Nyile, a 21st Century wiz kid with a great insight into the future...his future and the future of youths today. Check out his video... Rriiver is a kidpreneur, an author, filmmaker, and a motivational speaker. He also is the owner of his first enterprise. By the way, he's only 9 1/2 years old. He will be 10 years old in a matter of weeks. His first book "I Can Be Barack Obama" is do out very soon. Today order your copy of "I Can Be Barack Obama", by going to http://www.icanbebarackobama.com/ and click on the tab to your right that states "Rriiver's Shop for your copy today. Or you can call 281-394-3384. Whe you order, say that you read and subscribed to the At Home Biz Blog. Rriiver will per...