Career Development: Networking for the Socially Inept, Introverted and Reluctant
You now know our type. We're the kind of people who for whatever reason don't really know how to start up a conversation. We'd rather hide under the table than start chatting with an unknown person or stsy at home watching reruns than go to a party. We're your awkward cousin or the kid that sat behind you in biology. Is there networking hope for us? There is hope and you will find comfort in knowing (for all of us procedural nerds) that it can be a process you can quickly and painlessly use. Like many things in my life, I've had to figure this out on my own but have followed it up with study. I know some people find it hard to believe that I am introverted since I have been known to speak to a crowd of 1000 people but it's true. it's easier for me to do public speaking than make small talk. The difference is the type of talk and the setting for when that talking takes place. As a speaker, I develop and deliver content wit...