5 Career Development Strategies

A successful career development strategy should consider a minimum of five strategies, including the definition of a career target, building of a personal network, use of online social netwrok tools, constant improvement of personal skills and the development of a personal brand.

Presented in this article are five proven strategies for career development which most of the really successful people are applying.  You might find that it is just common sense, by applying these strategies your chanced of developing a successful career can skyrocket.  These are the five strategies:

1.  Define a Career Target  The first step in the career development process is defining a concrete career target.  What do you like to change in your career?  Where do you want to be in two and in five years?  Defining a career target and mean for some people trying to get to the next step on the career ladder, for other people it might signify doing something completely differnt.  In any case, you should mae a decision in order to actively develop your career instead of leaving your career development just to luck or the humor of your boss or other circumstances.  By deciding first what you want, you can actively take part in this process and you will more rapidly and easily find opportunitites that take you to the subsequent career level and a higher life quality. 
2.  Build up your Personal Network  It is a reality that most of the job vacancies are never posted in journals, newspapers or on-line and you only find them using your personal or business contracts - your "Network."  This also sometimes is call the "hidden job market."  Building your personal network is a long-term process, so start as soon as possible with people within your own organization which are the most easy to reach and meet.  Building up a network is not making hundreds of contacts in a record time but to concentrate on developoing relationships.  Find ways to build on your onnections by setting up an informational interview, inviting them to another event you are attending or talking to them in a more personal atmosphere (e.g. during lunch time or coffee break).  If you are following these advises you will open the most precious resource you have in finding the job you want.

3.  Use Online Social Network Tools  When you're seeking employment, Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter are some of the most used social networks that you can use to build up your personal network.  Many people for instance are using with success Twitter as networking tool.  Used in conjunction with LinkedIn, job search engines, and other job sites, Twitter can help you make connecions, find job listing, and build a lpersonal brand that will help boost your career and speek up your job search.  I recommed also using Facebook to build up your network.  The fact that Facebook has more than 300 million active users us a giid enough readon to use it as a job search and networking tool.  For active job searchers this network is probably beside LinkedIn the most important communication platform as many recruiters are constantly scouring these two social networking sites to reach out to potential candidates.

4.  Maintain yourself  Up-to-Date Keep current on your job skills in technical and non-technical skills, like project management, language sills, leadership and conflict resolution, etc.  You never should see your career as something static but as part of  continuous learning process.  Most professions require training as routine part of their license requierements, while other professions might not; nevertheless, for all professions it is just common sense to keep track with new trends and technologies if they are serious about your career.

5.  Develop your Personal Brand  Your personal Reputation or your Personal Brand is a critical career issue and managing this intangible asset is vital for today's forward-looking individuals and for your career developent.  As you advance in your career, more and more people now your skills and expertise and your become an expert in your field.  You can accelerate and enhance this personal brand formation process by doing some public speaking at trade exhibitions, specialized conferences or other platforms where you can share your wcperience with people working in the same field.  A very powerful technique is writing an article in your corporate newsletter or in a trade publication about your ecperience, industry branch or profession.  The ideal situationis if you are over time considered as a real expert in your business, not only as information source, but also for new career opportunities when they come to pass.  Searching a Job is a short-term pursuit of a position that matches your financial and career goals.  Career Planning and Development is much more than this.  It is a long, progressive process of choosing education, training, and jobs that fit your interest and skills.  Don't do just your job, go the "extra mile" and thin about what you really want in your career, build your personal network and develop your personal brand as an expert in your field.  If you wait until you are unemployed you're going to lose too much time and finding a new job will be really hard work.             By Oswald J. Eppers

Until Next Time,
Jeane' Elliott Bennett                                                                                                                                    
