Cold Calling Techniques
Those in MLM Businesses can either appreciate this or identify with this when Cold Calling Prospects. * By the numbers *How many calls should be made per day? *How many closes should be made per week? * Cold calling basics *Get the person's attention *Be polite *Use their name *Don't use gimmicks * Identify yourself and your company or your business *Who you are *What your company does * Give the reason for your call *Set an appontment and an appropriate time *Paint a picture * Make a qualifying/questioning statement *Turn prospects on, not off *Demonstrate you have their interests in mind * Set the appointment *Make your request diret, brief and specific * Timing your calls *Determining the best time to call customers * Getting in connected with the right person *Identifying decisin makers v. "gatekeepers" * Know when to quit (calling the same prospect) * Six specific steps tele...