Cold Calling Techniques

Those in MLM Businesses can either appreciate this or identify with this when Cold Calling Prospects.

* By the numbers
*How many calls should be made per day?
*How many closes should be made per week?

* Cold calling basics
*Get the person's attention
*Be polite
*Use their name
*Don't use gimmicks

* Identify yourself and your company or your business
*Who you are
*What your company does

* Give the reason for your call
*Set an appontment and an appropriate time
*Paint a picture

* Make a qualifying/questioning statement
*Turn prospects on, not off
*Demonstrate you have their interests in mind

* Set the appointment
*Make your request diret, brief and specific

* Timing your calls
*Determining the best time to call customers

* Getting in connected with the right person
*Identifying decisin makers v. "gatekeepers"

* Know when to quit (calling the same prospect)

* Six specific steps telephone tips for cold calling
*Use a mirror
*Use a timer
*Keep a record of your calls
*Stand up

* Turning around objections & rejections
*Four most common responses
*"No thanks, I'm happy with what I have"
*"I'm not interested"
*"I'm too busy"
*"Send me some literature"

* Don't forget to listen!

* Don't fight the first response...there isusually more to the story

* Leaving messages that get results
*Referencing a company name
*Referencing an individual's name
*The tag-team approach
*Know when to quit

* Avoid "telephone tag"

These are tips to keep in mind. Don't run a prospect off and make them feel as though they don't want to do business with you. Make them feel important.

Until Next Time,

Jeane' Elliott Bennett


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