Developing Your Skills as a Manager
If there's one thing that just about everyone who works in a company needs to know, it's how to be a good manager. Now, before you start to protest and explain that you're in an individual contributor role and there's no way that you need to know how to be a good manager, I can promise you that you'd be one hundred percent wrong. The same skills that you acquire as a good manager as skills that you can use in every aspect of your life. Whether it's interacting with your partner or your friends or even with someone in customer service who's giving you a hard time, you can use management skills to handle just about any situation. Developing skills is important, but if you're not passionate about the job you're using them in, maybe it's time to look for a new one. One way to jump start your job search is by getting your resume posted on all the job sites. A service like ResumeDirector can do this for you. Using their service, your resume ...