Circumstances and Situations Do Not Define Us, They Reveal Us

Do you believe that your only limitation is the sky, and with that mindset your expectations and efforts will beocme boundless?  Well, if you answered No, Dr. Anita Davis DeFoe can show you how to gain that mindset and turn that No into a Yes!

Dr. DeFoe is the author of Follow Her Lead: Leadership Lessons for Women As They Journey From the Backroom to the Boardroom.

Dr. Anita Davis-DeFoe understands the rich personal power women possess and she encourages them to use it…to create a better world.  She has captured the fears, dreams and challenges of women worldwide, and created a guide to show the homemaker, the entrepreneur, and the corporate strategist that they already possess the tools needed to lead and be successful in all areas of their lives.

If you feel that you are unable to be successful, think again.  Dr. DeFoe helps you to comfortable within your own skin.  To be able to start liking who you are in order for you to prosper within your life.  She is a certified careeer and workforce development consultant, motivational teacher, knowledge facilitator, youth development and family strengthening exper.  She has over 20 years of nulti-faceted experience motivating, coaching, inspiring and tansforming people around the globe. 

If you want to know more, contact her.  She is available to take your emails

Until Next Time,

Jeane' Elliott Bennett


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