
Have you ever thought that you couldn't obtain academic, social and financial success?  How about all of those as a writer?  You can.

Lisa Kastner tells us that if you can put pen to paper and have a thought, you can write.  Writing begins with a story to tell, and we all have a story to tell.  Whether you're a novice or experienced writer, you can obtain success. 

Lisa's not-for-profit organization Pennwriters is dedicated to assisting the novice to award-winning and multi-published writers to learn and succeed in the craft.  Lisa shared her experiences on the At Home Biz Radio Show on Wednesday, March 10, 2010, listen to the show in the archives and see what Lisa had to say about writing.  The listening audience enjoyed the interview. 

If you have a writing project or are thinking of writing a novel, contact Lisa Kastner and see if she can help you with your writing project.  She gave some great tips and insight on the show.

Until Next Time,

Jeane' Elliott Bennett


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