
Have you ever thought of some of the hard times in your life and felt that there was nothing that you could do about them?  How about once you thought about those hard times, reality bit you into the present?  Did you stop and think "How do you move forward?" 

These are questions that some of us ask ourselves on a day to day basis.  Not knowing where to start; not knowing how to get up and get over it. It's hard.

Some might have come to the conclusion that it was money that mattersCreating their own economy is what is going to get them up and get over it.  That's when they started envisioning a better way...or a better day.

We all have up and down cycles...sometimes working together for good.  Through it all, do you stay true to your own self

Living in the past vs. Living in the light.  Which would you choose in order to arrive at a place of emergence?

All of these can be answered in the book Rebounding:  A Practical Guide to Getting Up (and Getting Over It) by Theresa Salihu-Musso.  Theresa was recently interviewed on the At Home Biz Radio Show and shared her insight to each of the highlighted topics.  With reading the forthcoming book, you will learn lessons about yourself and your situation.  The message is so timely.  It addresses failures as well as economics.  Personal growth is very important, as well as patience and grace.  One must keep their vision in order to forge ahead to see the big picture.

You can go to and purchase the book in its entirety on ebook and receive the free gifts of a journal and action plan. Theresa calls everyone to action.  To take a 360 degree success turn to their life and Get Up and Get Over It.

Until Next Time,

Jeane' Elliott Bennett


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