6 Steps to Debt Reduction
You gotta love America´s education system: 12 years of primary and secondary schooling and most of us never learned to budget our money. It´s not rocket science, but it´s one of those things that just aren´t very fun, almost like starting a diet plan or attending traffic school. What´s more, many banks and credit card companies pounded consumers with aggressive marketing campaigns to try to convince them to sign up for their cards, oftentimes using an assortment of gift incentives and bonus reward programs. So don´t feel bad if you got yourself into a credit card nightmare. You´re certainly not alone. But what´s important now is to figure out a plan to get out of debt. Here are seven easy steps to jumpstart your debt reduction plan. Step 1: Make a list, check it twice Get a blank piece of paper. On the left hand side, write down how much money you earn each month. For spouses, this may include both of your “take home” payment amounts. On the right hand side, list of all your cr...