Conscious Entrepreneurs Don’t Run in Circles

Being conscious is now center stage in business.

The challenges we face are huge and so are the opportunities.
Pain increases awareness and sharpens sight. People around the world are in frustration and pain from the negative value business has been delivering.

Marcia Avalon shared what a P3 Conscious Business is...People, Planet, and Profits. 

Being a Conscious Entrepreneur is being conscious and aware of people, meaning your clients and customers; as well as thinking about the planet and it cleaniness, while raking in the profits from your savings.

Marcia conscious entrepreneurs who want to transform the world how to make a big impact with their small businesses. She shows them how to use “The Greater Good” model to provide value for people, planet and profit. Marcia teaches how to build a business that benefits all stakeholders by creating Value Loops within and across the organization.

Consumers are less skeptical about small businesses, but still wary. They like dealing with a business that is owned by a person-someone they feel they know and can trust. They apply the same criteria for value that they use for big companies.

To find out more about Marcia's Conscious Business Tips, look at her website.

Until Next Time,

Jeane' Elliott Bennett


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