Keep A Blog

Blogs are a great way for you to chat with your readership and give them plenty of great content that will get them to keep coming back for more. You can link your blogs to many different social media outlets, including Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. When you link Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ to your blog and you post something on your blog, a message with the link to your blog post appears in your social media feed. Blog sites include Blogger, Goodreads, and Livejournal. What you post in your blog is really up to you. If your book is a time period story, you can write about the tine period when your book takes place. If your book is a paranormal, talking about the supernatural creatures and the history behind them is great fodder. You can post excerpts from your novel, serialize your novel and post it one chunk at a time (assuming you have the rights to do so), post brand-new material, talk about the creative process and how you wrote the book, and write about other things your readers might find interesting. Can't think up something to say? Ask your writer friends on the social media outlets if they would be "guest authors." Chances are they would be delighted to do so and may ask you for a guest post in return. You can also team up with other authors for one blog. This way, you can share the workload, and share the marketing value. You can take turns blogging about their fiction, their research, and anything else of interest to their target readers. Here is my blog...


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