Hit The Ground Running

Being in business for yourself takes planning.  Whether it's a home based business or an out of the home business, strategic planning is essential.  Have you put your plan into place or even thought about your plan before starting your business?  If you haven't, now is the time to start.

With a plan, you can Elevate Your Business to new heights.  Having a plan is S.Y.S.T.E.M.S. = Save Yourself Stress, Time, Energy, Money -- and Succeed.

Maria Marsala, founder of Elevating Your Business http://www.elevatingyourbusiness.com/ can help you Hit The Ground Running in your business.  With being an advior, author, speaker, and former Fortune 500 Executive she can help you break through the glass ceiling. 

Maria shepherds her clients toward success by focusing on simplicity and execution and giving them the support and resources they need to make better business decisions. 

Maria's business knowledge, system design, organization, and efficiency to help them find solutions to the business growth challenges.  Sh shares her insights on what small business owners can learn from corporate America, Maria created "Corporate Secrets Marketing." http://www.coachmaria.com/

You can contact Maria via her above websites.

Until Next Time,

Jeane' Elliott Bennett


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