Public Speaking

Most people think of public speaking as delivering a written speech.  But its also thought of in a broader term.  Its also delivering a message or a point you want to get across.

In business, it is so important that business owners know the subject matter in which they are going to be speaking on.  They should also have a passion for their service or product. 

Don't feel because you're an introvert that you are unable to deliver a good speech or speak in public, you can.  Everyone with a story to tell can be a good speaker.  True, there are a lot of speaker trainer courses that one can take to become a good speaker but also use good practices.  As it's stated, practice makes perfect.

People can be afraid of speaking in public for a lot of number of reasons, but getting to the core of those reasons to be a good speaker is where one may need help on.  Janet Hilts, of SpeakUpand Shine helps clients get to the root cause of theri speaking discomfort so it never comes back.  Janet helps professionals get their message out with fearless speaking in all areas of business.

Fear of speaking can be camouflaged several ways.  So, don't think because you have a fear of public speaking that you're unable to do it, you can.  Just think about it, you speak every day, to friends, family, strangers, etc., that's public speaking.  I bet you didn't know that, did you?  Well, it is.  The only difference is you're speaking to people you know and to a small group of people as opposed to people you don't know and a large crowd of people. 

You have the talent, Janet can show you the tools. may have your answers.

Until Next Time,

Jeane' Elliott Bennett


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