The Difference Between Sizzle and Steak in Your Business

Today's business owners are being courted by too many diverse tools and not enought proven techniques, say seasoned strategist and Master Certified Coach Lorenda Phillips. 

Goals, strategy, and action are key structures for a thriving and successful business.  Lorenda does believe that you can network you way to success with the proven Time Management: Less is the New More.

If you take a look at the classis Frank Capra film "It's a Wonderful Life" and see it through the eyes as an Entrepreneur, you can master the skills of generosity and appreciation.

On the lines of "failure," Lorenda does not view failure as a bad thing.  One can learn from their failures and use them as stepping stones for the future.  Don't take failures to heart.

To find out more about Lorenda Phillips and Phillips Coaching and Consulting, go to

Until Next Time,

Jeane' Elliott Bennett


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