Do you consider yourself an Entrepreneur ? Do you Think Like an Entrepreneur ? Now is the time to put yourself best foot forward and start thinking like an Entrepreneur . Author, Coach, and Motivational Speaker, Deborah A. Bailey will help you think like an Entrepreneur .
It's stated that everyone has a book in them; everyone has a story to tell. However, some don't know how to get started with telling their story. They don't know how to go about creating, publishing, and selling their book. This is where Karen Salter of Salter VA comes in. Not only is Karen a Virtual Assistant, a Certified Virtual Assistant at that, she's also the published author of "How to Create, Publish and Sell Your Ebook." The book is a step by step guide to getting you started on your ebook creation. The book has a wealth of Resource services on getting you started on your way. Also, if you're in the market for a Virtual Assistant, Salter Virtual Assistant is one place you should look into for your business assisting needs. Karen is VA Certified and is one of the first virtual assistants in the world to become VA Certified, that says a lot about her expertise. is the first international organizatio...
New rules were instituted in 1999 for claiming an office in home deduction on your taxreturn. If you couldn't deduc these expenses under the old tax law, you may be able to do so now. Recording the Deductions 1. If you are self-employed, transfer the deduction to Schedule C. 2. I you are an employee, transfr the deduction first to line 4 of Form 2106, if you are using it,o directly to e miscellaneous deductions section of Schedule A.