Write Like A Wizard: Meet Author Jeané Sashi!: About The Author: Her freshman, debut novel, “Intimate Moments” was the start of her novel writing career. Being a native of Los A...
Do you consider yourself an Entrepreneur ? Do you Think Like an Entrepreneur ? Now is the time to put yourself best foot forward and start thinking like an Entrepreneur . Author, Coach, and Motivational Speaker, Deborah A. Bailey will help you think like an Entrepreneur .
Teens need consistency. Without it, nothing changes, but with it, you can enjoy a better relationship with your teen. Being a Connected Parent means being connected to something else other than your jobs, your cars, your blackberrys, etc. It means tuning into your child, hence, tuning into their emotional and mental states. Ask your self "Do you really want to be there for your child? Or are you just going through the motions? Do you actually listen to your child, and not only hear them, but really listen to them when they speak or want ot talk to you? Or are you too busy with other things? These are questions that trigger the minds of our children and have some of them wondering if their parents actually care about them.
New rules were instituted in 1999 for claiming an office in home deduction on your taxreturn. If you couldn't deduc these expenses under the old tax law, you may be able to do so now. Recording the Deductions 1. If you are self-employed, transfer the deduction to Schedule C. 2. I you are an employee, transfr the deduction first to line 4 of Form 2106, if you are using it,o directly to e miscellaneous deductions section of Schedule A.