Interview of Author Marion Lovato


   1.       What are your Thoughts on the Power of Words?
   2.       Thoughts on the Power of Words?

Questions 1 and 2 seem to be asking the same thing. The power of words, whether spoken or written, is incredible. When spoken, words can evoke emotions ranging all the way from exhilarating happiness to enraging anger. Unfortunately, once a word is spoken, it can never be taken back. Words are the result of thoughts which, in themselves, are also very powerful. Choosing your words wisely is very good advice! The written word, however, has a much broader scope to me. One of the reasons I love to read is because the words can conjure visualizations in my mind of people and places. I can travel the world, live through an adventure, solve a murder, cry if the story is sad, and never leave my chair. There are authors who can transport me so easily that I can thoroughly get lost in a book. People who don't enjoy reading are really missing out.

3.       What was the inspiration for your characters?
The inspiration for my characters are my own two cats, mainly the younger one, Sammy. I live with this “raw material” every day and watch all the crazy things that he does which makes me laugh. I just have to add a little imagination to make it into a story.

4.       List The 5 Things You Know For Sure are:
       a. God is an integral part of my life
       b. The sun will come up tomorrow no matter if I have problems or not.
       c. My cats love me unconditionally.
       d. I am respected as an author.
       e. Life is good.

5.       What is your writing process? How long does it take you to write a book?
My writing process varies according to how busy my life is. I have many social activities that I'm involved in with friends in addition to caring for my 95-year-old mother. By the way, she still lives in her own home! Ideally, I spent half an hour a day around one in the afternoon writing or researching a new idea for my blogs. That seems to be a consistently quiet time in my life, so I take advantage of it when I can. A cup of coffee, a stick of gum, and I'm ready to go! It didn't take very long to write the stories I've already written, but I'm not writing a novel. They are short children stories.

6.       Who are some of your favorite authors?
There are several authors that I consider my “favorites”. My overall favorite for crime mysteries is James Patterson. I get a book of his and can hardly put it down. If I want a medical thriller, I look for Robin Cook. Janet Evanovich is my all-time favorite for comedy. Her Stephanie Plum series has me rolling on the floor sometimes. It's even more special because I had the chance to meet her in Las Vegas and was able to visit with her a little bit. For legal drama, I like John Grisham.

7.       Tell us about your book.
Sam, the Superkitty, is about my younger cat, Sammy. At one time I had wanted to write a novel, but life always got in the way. After I became a cat person, all that changed. As I indicated before, I live with this cat and get to watch him in action everyday. When I was a teacher, I loved reading stories to my class. The smiles on their faces and the twinkle in their eyes when they were enjoying a story was very rewarding. Kids love animals, so writing about my cat seemed the natural thing to do.

8.       Do you have any more books coming out? When?
I'm planning on getting the second book out by Christmas if everything goes according to plan. The story is already written; it's just a matter of editing and publishing. Thinking of self-publishing this one.

9.       Is there anything else you'd to us me?
Available on Facebook at and and @mrnlovato on Twitter.

10.   Where can our readers find your book(s)?
The book is available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle.


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