
Showing posts from August, 2014

Interview with Author B. Berry

1.                       Tell the group a little bit about your most recent book.   What inspired you to write your most recent book?                I love to write murder mysteries and I’ve always been interested in the Civil Rights Movement, having lived during that time.   I wanted to write a fiction novel that would be both a historical novel and a murder mystery. Writing Clothesline Blues allowed me to go back to the Civil Rights Movement while creating a murder mystery. 2.                       What do you find challenging with marketing your book?               THE MARKETING MONSTER!! Marketing is tedious, at least to me it...

Interview withAuthor Christopher Meade

Good Day Christopher.  Thank you for joining us. 1.      Share with the us, who and what inspires you to write? Apart from an ever demanding bank manager and a constant flow of unpayable bills, my main inspiration comes from a desire to give entertainment and a certain amount of enlightenment to as many people as possible. 2.    Why did you choose the genre that you write in?       I don’t have a genre as such and I like to write across as wide a spectrum as possible. Life is a big place. I like to show it in as many aspects as I can, from horror to romance, to comedy. It’s all there waiting to be revealed. 3.   How long did it take you to write your first book? It evolved over about two years, from conception to publication 4.     When you are not writing what are you doing? Housework, shopping, gardening. All the mundane things have to be done but if I have to pick a favourite pastime...

Write Like A Wizard: Meet Author JeanƩ Sashi!

Write Like A Wizard: Meet Author JeanĆ© Sashi! : About The Author: Her freshman, debut novel, “Intimate Moments” was the start of her novel writing career. Being a native of Los A...

The Book Nymph Publishing & Promotions: Quick Fire Q&A With Author, JeanƩ Sashi!

The Book Nymph Publishing & Promotions: Quick Fire Q&A With Author, JeanĆ© Sashi! : Oh hooray! Who is excited for our favorite way to get to know our guests? Let's give a warm welcome to author,  JeanĆ© Sashi! 1)....

Interview with Author Janet Louise Mancini

Hello all, I am so honored to be interviewed today by JeanĆ© Elliott Bennett in Universal Books America Group.   This is very exciting.              1.    Where do you live? Do you care if I put your hometown in the article? I have lived in Monongahela, PA most of my life. It is a small town south of Pittsburgh, PA. If you ever have the chance, please visit.   You will love the rolling hills and the Monongahela River that runs along the outskirts of town.               2.   Tell us about your book. My book, Finding My Life through the Children's Home, became my passion to write. Once I found out where the children's home was that I was adopted out of at 5 years of age, I had to write.   The more information I found, the more inspired I was to put this history of my life together.   I did not know how this would end ...