Marketers have many ways to try to get you to buy their products. You might want to try some of these.
Jingle/Slogan: a song or phrase that helps them remember your product.
Cartoon Characters: an animated character that promotes a products. (this can be done on some animated sites on the internet such as; it's a site that I've used).
Star Power: a celebrity (like a movie star, a model, a football player) who says he or she uses the product. (that's it you have the means to do this)
Wannabe Appeal: “wannabe” means “I want to be.” The product promises to make you be the way you want, like stronger, healthier, richer, more popular, or happier.
Latest Greatest: everybody loves it wants it. Don’t be left out.
Sensory Appeal: it tastes good, looks good, smells good, or feels good. (this is also a great way; try before you buy).
Better Than: this product is better than other brands of the same product.
Dollar Power: you will save money or get something free if you buy this product.
Until Next Time...
Jeane' E. Bennett
Jingle/Slogan: a song or phrase that helps them remember your product.
Cartoon Characters: an animated character that promotes a products. (this can be done on some animated sites on the internet such as; it's a site that I've used).
Star Power: a celebrity (like a movie star, a model, a football player) who says he or she uses the product. (that's it you have the means to do this)
Wannabe Appeal: “wannabe” means “I want to be.” The product promises to make you be the way you want, like stronger, healthier, richer, more popular, or happier.
Latest Greatest: everybody loves it wants it. Don’t be left out.
Sensory Appeal: it tastes good, looks good, smells good, or feels good. (this is also a great way; try before you buy).
Better Than: this product is better than other brands of the same product.
Dollar Power: you will save money or get something free if you buy this product.
Until Next Time...
Jeane' E. Bennett