
Showing posts from 2010

The Secret of Becoming a Conscious Entrepreneur

Dear Friends, If you’re a conscious entrepreneur or know someone who is a conscious entrepreneur I am thrilled to share a special book that anyone who is ready to increase their commitment to running a conscious business should read. This is a book sure to transform how people around the globe conduct business. It’s no longer business as usual. In Align, Expand and Succeed, Shifting the Paradigm of Entrepreneurial Success, you’ll meet 40 extraordinary men and women, from solopreneurs, healers, breath workers, CEOs of multimillion dollar corporations, doctors, speakers, radio hosts, coaches – men and women who answered the call to share their insights and inspiration of what it took to live their truth as conscious entrepreneurs. A truth that has brought them happiness, joy and abundance. Their individual and collective experiences will touch you, amaze you and impact the way you view business – forever! Enjoy a unique experience with 40 men and women who dared to step into th...

Passion+Persistence+Belief=Success, Opportunity, and Abundance

Many think that being unemployed is a bad thing.  It can be if you have no plan "B" or even a thought as to what it is that you want to do besides "find another job." If you are unemployed, have you ever thought about becoming an entrepreneur?  Do you even think like an entrepreneur within your work place?  This are some of the questions that will come up in your mind when reading the book "Climbing the Rock" by Lili Cruchelow.   In the book Lili tells how she went from being nearly unemployed to a nultimillion dollar entrepreneur in less than 90 days...hence, Passion+Persistence+Belief=Success, Opportunity, and Abundance. Gone are the days of job security.  You should have a plan "B" in the event you are let go from your current job.  Taking a leap of faith to start your own business is scary but you'll never know the outcome if you never try.  That's where Climbing the Rock may give you second though...

Keep Your Sanity While Growing Your Business Through Social Media

Anita Crawford Clark, has designed a system program that is aimed to help you not feel so overwhelmed when trying to keep up with all the Social Networking Sites that you have joined in order to grow your business.  In other words Keep Your Sanity. You may just be getting started in business and trying to figure out where to start.  What social networks to join that your join all that you're invited to and then realize that you're overwhelemed and have a hard time keeping up with all the site.  There are 5 major Social Networking sites that you should be on to Grow Your Business Like Crazy.  Those sites are: 1.  Facebook 2.  Twitter 3.  YouTube 4.  LinkedIn 5.  Your Blog (If you have a blog) The key to getting the most out of the sites you're on is Showing Up Often and being socialable.  It doesn't take all day.  It can take only 15 minutes out of your day to be socialable.  And that's 15 minutes for all the sites......

6 Steps to Debt Reduction

You gotta love America´s education system: 12 years of primary and secondary schooling and most of us never learned to budget our money. It´s not rocket science, but it´s one of those things that just aren´t very fun, almost like starting a diet plan or attending traffic school. What´s more, many banks and credit card companies pounded consumers with aggressive marketing campaigns to try to convince them to sign up for their cards, oftentimes using an assortment of gift incentives and bonus reward programs. So don´t feel bad if you got yourself into a credit card nightmare. You´re certainly not alone. But what´s important now is to figure out a plan to get out of debt. Here are seven easy steps to jumpstart your debt reduction plan. Step 1: Make a list, check it twice Get a blank piece of paper. On the left hand side, write down how much money you earn each month. For spouses, this may include both of your “take home” payment amounts. On the right hand side, list of all your cr...

Credit Knowledge

Experian, Equifax, TransUnion are the three major credit bureaus in the United States.  Each bureau collects information on your accounts and payment habits from individual creditors. Some creditors report information to all three credit bureaus, while others may only report to one bureau. So, your credit files at each bureau often contain different information. It's important to check your credit files at all three bureaus regularly to ensure that all the information contained in them is accurate. Checking your own credit report can not hur your credit score.  Personal inquiries are not included in your credit report and therefore are not part of your credit score. So when you check your own credit report, you will not be hurting your credit score. An employer can not get a copy of your credit report without your permission.  A prospective employer can only get a copy of your credit report if you give your permission. The Fair Credit Reporting Act restricts access to...

Conscious Entrepreneurs Don’t Run in Circles

Being conscious is now center stage in business. The challenges we face are huge and so are the opportunities. Pain increases awareness and sharpens sight. People around the world are in frustration and pain from the negative value business has been delivering. Marcia Avalon shared what a P3 Conscious Business is...People, Planet, and Profits.  Being a Conscious Entrepreneur is being conscious and aware of people, meaning your clients and customers; as well as thinking about the planet and it cleaniness, while raking in the profits from your savings. Marcia conscious entrepreneurs who want to transform the world how to make a big impact with their small businesses. She shows them how to use “The Greater Good” model to provide value for people, planet and profit. Marcia teaches how to build a business that benefits all stakeholders by creating Value Loops within and across the organization. Consumers are less skeptical abou...

Brush Strokes

Alvin Lloyd Alexander Horn offers readers the sexiness of illusion with his novel Brush Strokes.  He brings to life the characters along with their life styles.  This book is a very easy read as well as easy to follow.  You will find yourself inside the book as one of the characters.  Yes, it is a page turner that you wouldn't want to put down. The reader will find that they can identify with the characters as they travel from the State of Washington to the Providences of Canada.  From taking a Ferry, to driving a car, to riding a bike to driving a motorcycle. There would be no surprise if this book came to life in movie form.  The title of the book is what catches the readers eye along with the cover. If you want to know more about the book, the author, or his spoken word writings, check him out on his website.  You won't be disappointed. Until Next Time, Jeane' Elliott Bennett

Artist are Entrepreneurs Too!

Whether you're a music artist, a poet, a painter, or a writer, you're an Entrepreneur.  Some Entrepreneurs in the creative sector are considered Creative Entrepreneurs.  That term comes from the person stretching their creative talents. One Entrepreneur in particular comes to mind when I think of a Creative Entrepreneur.  Gilli (pronounced with a J) Moon is a Creative Entrepreneur in her own right.  Not only is Gilli an Australian born singer, and song-writer, she's also an author.  Her book I Am A Professional Artist in its 3rd edition deplicts Gilli as a professional artist.  The book also gives pointers for other artist who feel they are struggling with their craft. The music of Gilli Moon is both uplifting and relaxing.  Her CD "The Stillness" combines the sounds of Alternative, Ballad, and Electronica, Pop, Easy Listening and R&B.  It is a must check out. She has a restless creativity and rebelli...

Self Promotion

OK, time for the daily check-in. What have you done today to make the world know who you are? -I'm taking a little break from self-promotion. What? -I'm an artist! Sometimes I need to be creative. So you don't consider it creative to make eye-catching postcards that you mail put to thousands of people? -Ten of which might actually look at them before tossing them in the trash? You don't think its creative to send mass emails to people you don't know and tell them about how they should link to your website? -And get reported for spam again on Facebook? Certainly you find it creative to think up ways to get all your friends to come out one more time to your latest show? -Actually, I'm beginning to wonder what the point of all my endless self-promotion has been. We talked about this many times before. Life as an artist today is all about branding yourself. It's about enhancing your name recognition. It's about making a buzz around what you do.

The Success of Your Child

Being a parent, I know you think of the success of your child. You wonder what your is going to be when he or she grows. Will they become successful? Will that tap into all that life has to offer? Will they become better than you their parent? There is no right or wrong answers to those questions, nor will they be solely found in books, however there are books out there that can aid you in the success of your child as an adult. Bear in mind, You are NOT only Raising a Child, You are Raising a Future Adult. A future responsible Adult. The book "What a Child Needs to Succeed" written by Andrea Patten and co-authored by her father is a guide to raising your Future Adult. Andrea gives insightful information to the success of what a child needs as an adult. This information comes from her own experiences as a parent and may aid you. We already know that all children are the same and different strokes for different folks but,...

7 Steps to Achieving Your Goals

Most people set goals - which they never achieve. Why? What is the difference between people who set goals and reach them, and the people who set goals and never come close? I see a few differences: 1. You've got to have a really big dream, one that totally captures your imagination, that truly inspires you. 2. Choose a model, someone who has done what you want to do. Study every aspect of that person, their skills, their resources, and what they have achieved, so you understand what it takes. 3. Write down every detail of that dream, no matter how trivial it may seem. The more detail you can picture in your mind, the closer you get to your dream becoming reality. 4. Spend time each day picturing your exact dream. After you have built your dream picture, it doesn't take but 3-5 minutes a day to focus completely on it. That action will drive you to your dream's achievement. 5. Focus every action in your day on making some part of your dream a reality. 6. Wher...

The Doable 9

The 9 D's To Your Destiny: 1.  Develop a winning mindset 2.  Dependable to your customers/clients 3.  Dynamic is the way to present yourself 4.  Design your business and that will design your destiny 5.  Desire to be the best at whatever it is you do 6.  Dedicated is what you must be to your business 7.  Dialogue should be continued with all involved with your business and that includes your customers/clients 8.  Diplomatic - take the offense instead of the defense when dealing with others 9.  Discipline - stay the course in your goals Talk about a distinctive list, if you keep these Doables in mind or somewhere around you, you will definitely succeed.  Deborah Hardnett is the author of the Doable 9's, she will be speaking at the The Winners Summit in March 2011. Remember to inspire and encourage others to reach their goals. Until Next Time, JeanĆ© Elliot...

Well, You Can!

You wouldn't think one simple word with two tiny letters could have the power to keep countless individuals and organizations from realizing their goals and dreams.  But they do, day after day, year after year.  What two tiny letters can do all that? N.O. We all know that NO can be a very destructive word in the world.  That word can keep you from achieving your goals and succeeding.  The key is to look at the NO as not so much as a negative but, a positive word.  Reprogram your thinking to include the word NO.  We all know that YES is the destination but, NO may be how you can get there.  Don't be afraid of it, take it as a challenge and jump the NO hurdle. Andrea Waltz and Richard Fenton can also show you have to get over the NO hurdle.  Everyone loves the sound of the word is so positive, so empowering.  Make that word be positive and empowering for you.  With the right programming and strateg...

Step by Step

It's stated that everyone has a book in them; everyone has a story to tell. However, some don't know how to get started with telling their story.  They don't know how to go about creating, publishing, and selling their book. This is where Karen Salter of Salter VA comes in.  Not only is Karen a Virtual Assistant, a Certified Virtual Assistant at that, she's also the published author of "How to Create, Publish and Sell Your Ebook."  The book is a step by step guide to getting you started on your ebook creation. The book has a wealth of Resource services on getting you started on your way.  Also, if you're in the market for a Virtual Assistant, Salter Virtual Assistant is one place you should look into for your business assisting needs. Karen is VA Certified and is one of the first virtual assistants in the world to become VA Certified, that says a lot about her expertise. is the first international organizatio...

Are You Wearing Yours?

Don't Get It twisted, It's Not About The Shoes...It's About The Woman Wearing The "HECK" Out Of Those Shoes!!! Have you ever felt a pinch every now and then from a recent broken heart?  Or from a past broken heart for that matter?  But, you keep going because duty calls.  You push back your own anxiety about being a victim of the latest financial crisis we are facing as a country, because duty calls.  You're going through the airport and you get a phone call describing the latest family drama that you need to deal with when you get back, but duty calls.  There are some broken friendships that need mending and others that need to be ended, but for right now duty calls.  So as you click, clack, click, clack down the hallway, you realize that putting on those fierce heels didn't transform you into someone you wasn't already.  They just confirmed that 'she' is indeed in the building!  And 'she' is that divine thing that God so carefully...

Being Successful at what You do Starts at Home

Success is a combination of ambition, drive, skills, dedication with a smattering of luck thrown in. Some of us are luckier than others and the luck seems to be fickle about when it will show up. So, since you can’t count on luck, you have to develop and foster the other skills to succeed in anything you do. Becoming successful and remaining successful require that you develop exceptional skills, a drive to overachieve and a dedication or intensity in your performance. To develop and hone these skills, you should practice them all the time. Success principles apply to everything you do, and that includes searching for your ideal business. If you're not taking the steps to get noticed by those you network with, you aren't working toward being successful in your business. A simple first step to take in this direction is to get your business out in front of the public with press releases. Another method to get noticed by cutomers and clients is by posting your business...

Determination is Imperative to Your Success

"All things are possible, if only you believe."  Paul Lawrence Vann did believe, that is why he wrote his best selling book "Living on Higher Ground"  in 30 days.  He didn't let the negative talk from friends and family get in his way and with that he has accomplished great feats towards his future. Not only is Paul Lawrence Vann the host of an Online Radio Show, he is also an Author and the leader of the Wealth Building Academy.  His military training in the United States Air Force gave him is training for his future.  He was able to connect with some very prominent people and build on those relationships in order to further his career and his business. With all of his accomplishments, Paul has been named the Prince of Possibilities .  If you feel that it's impossible to reach the impossible, then get a hold of Paul's book and you'll see that it can be done.  You can also hear Paul on his radio show and on S...

Saving with Coupons

Okay, I know we all hate clipping coupons.  But, do you know or realize how much money you can save from clipping coupons?  You can save a great deal of money for you and your family.  All it takes is time...a few minutes out of your day to clip coupons.  When you receive what we all call junk mail in your mailbox, to be honest, it's not really junk mail.  If you look at it in a different light, it's money saving mail.  Companies and businesses don't put those mailers in the mail to you just for the sake of it being junk and being wasteful, they put those mailers together as a way to get you to save money and to advertise and market their products and services. With the economy being what it is and money being tight in some families, clipping coupons will not hurt to do in order to say money.  Think about it, you may have a family vacation that you want to take, or you are looking to save for your children's future, or you just have some purchase y...

Luv for Haiti

Have you ever wondered if something devasting happened to you, what would you do?  How would you handle it?  Would you cry, kick, scream, and say why me?  Maybe you would experience all of those emotions. Well, the people of Haiti experienced a great devastion when their City was hit with a ground breaking earthquake.  Not only were homes, schools, cars, grocery stores, and churchs lost, so were lives.  Lives of young children were lost; as young as infancy.  And through all this, the people of the City are able to still smile and be thankful.  Still not taking anything for granted.  Talk about humble. Music Changing Lives (MCL) under the direction of CEO, Josiah Bruny is making a big difference in the lives of the Haitian Community.  Mr. Bruny and his team of supportive volunteers have been working tirelessly collecting supplies, foods, and goods to dto the people of Haiti. 

5 Ways to Curb Bank Overdraft Fees

5 Ways to Curb Bank Overdraft Fees by Diana Ransom Wednesday, June 2, 2010 Consumer banking has grown friendlier over the last few years. Most retail banks have done away with annual fees and account minimums on basic accounts. Some now regularly offer cash incentives and other gifts just for signing up. However, banks have long refused to budge on their ultra-lucrative policies on overdraft fees. Now, that's changing too. On July 1, new federal rules will require banks to ask customers to opt in for overdraft coverage -- a line of credit that kicks in when account holders make purchases that exceed their available checking and debit account balances. To lure customers to their programs, some banks are trimming their overdraft fees. Currently, such fees average $34 per debit transaction or ATM withdrawal, according to the Center for Responsible Lending. However, under the new law, if account holders don't opt in, banks won't be able to cover their charges when thei...

Are You Ready? Celebrities Are Waiting...

Get Star-Powered Publicity, Build Your Brand Name and Skyrocket Your Sales! The Celebrity 411 let's you Discover How to Get Your Product or Service into the Hands of Celebrities. Liz Dennery Sanders, Owner of Dennery Marks and SheBrand have put together a complete, step by step system, that will guide you to skyrocketing your business and putting money into your pocket. The public has such a voracious appetite today for celebrities and this drives the celebrity trends. The public wants to know what the celebrities are wearing and where they are shopping.  Who their designers are?  Who handles their travel needs?  Who handles their grocery needs?  Right down to the furnishings in their homes.  Celebrities are an important element to a brand's marketing plan.  When a celebrity has an item, regardless of who the maker is, that item then becomes a household brand and everyone wants that item.  See where I'm g...

Talent or Tenacity: Which do you have?

Have you read the book "Go For No?"  If not, it's a good investment for your personal and your business growth.  Here is a clip of some well know Entrepreneurs speaking on Talent vs Tenacity in regards to "Go For No."

Tory Johnson: 10 Tips to Get Your Kid a Summer Job

Advice and Resources: Teach Your Kids to Get Out There to Nab Some Summertime Work By TORY JOHNSON Workplace Contributor May 31, 2010 To line up summer employment, it's all about old fashioned pavement pounding right now. Share these tactics with your teens to help them hear, "You're hired." Tory Johnson offers teens tips to get good summer jobs.Talk to friends and neighbors. Encourage your kids to start close to home by promoting their own skills and interests and telling friends and neighbors that they're willing to offer a helping hand. It could be baby-sitting, tutoring, music lessons, house painting, yard work -- whatever they feel comfortable and confident doing. If one person doesn't have steady work, teens can juggle multiple clients with the same needs. Ask directly for leads. When talking to the people in the neighborhood, kids should also ask directly for introductions and job leads. "If you don't need my time and talent, do you k...

Become Your Destination

Good Morning and Great Day... You can have everything you want. No matter where you are on the learning line of life all the resources you need are always available to you so that you can reach the destination you are seeking powerfully. You just need to call them to you. Did you know that once you set your intention and speak it with conviction and hold a strong and unwavering belief the universe will set in motion the flow of LIFE so that you receive all that is already destined to make your desires manifest in all the ways you can think them into reality? By being the very thing you are intending to become there can be no other way than total success in the efforts you put forth for your goals to become real. When you Become Your Destination your destination becomes all of the presence and power you commit it to be. In life we all have ups and downs, feelings of being unsure about a course of action, ways in which we can talk ourselves out of doing something, being susceptible ...

Need Help Lowering the Rates on Your Credit Cards?

Try the credit card companies' dedicated help lines to get your rate lowered. Each of the major credit card companies has a dedicated help line that is devoted exclusively to assisting customers who are having problems with credit card debt.  If calling the company directly does not get you a lower interest rate, the people on the dedicated help line may be able to do better.  There's no harm in trying. Here are the key phone numbers.  (You can also find them on ). 1.  Bank of America:  (800) 500-5306 2.  Capital One:  (866) 929-5303 3.  Discover Card:  (866) 567-1660 4.  FIA Card Services:  (888) 635-0776 5.  Citi:  (866) 936-4814 6.  Citi, for your Sears Card:  (866) 532-9532 7.  Citi, for The Home Depot Credit Card:  (866) 532-9689 8.  Citi, for your Macy's Credit Card:  (866) 785-1079 9.  Citi, for your retail and gas cards:...

Gain Massive Visibility

Whether you sell a product or service, write books, consult or run a small business, you will learn some of the most powerfu strategies to gain massive visibility on the Internet that Internet experts have been using for years. You can discover how to quickly and easily gain lots of recognition to increase your credibility, market influence and revenues while maintaining complete integrity in the way you do business.  Are you someone who deeply believes in what you do; so much in fact that you  KNOW you are meant to impact people around the globe with your mesage.  Do you KNOW that if you were a recognized name in your market you would hav more influence that ever before?  Are you ready to make 2010-2011 your best year ever - both personally and professionally?

Happiness is a Verb

The Secret's Lisa Nichols says happiness is verb. We depend on each other for happiness and the "Law of Attraction" is simply the law of happiness...when someone is happy, we all become happier.

Career Development: Networking for the Socially Inept, Introverted and Reluctant

You now know our type.  We're the kind of people who for whatever reason don't really know how to start up a conversation.  We'd rather hide under the table than start chatting with an unknown person or stsy  at home watching reruns than go to a party.  We're your awkward cousin or the kid that sat behind you in biology.  Is there networking hope for us?  There is hope and you will find comfort in knowing (for all of us procedural nerds) that it can be a process you can quickly and painlessly use.  Like many things in my life, I've had to figure this out on my own but have followed it up with study.  I know some people find it hard to believe that I am introverted since I have been known to speak to a crowd of 1000 people but it's true.  it's easier for me to do public speaking than make small talk.  The difference is the type of talk and the setting for when that talking takes place.  As a speaker, I develop and deliver content wit...

Get Your Resume Noticed via Email

Did you now that a resume sent through email is nearly similar to its print version?  Most people have a misconception about this and they end up spending more time making their resumes rather than aiming more employers.  The email and print version are the sem document yet with only different formats.  For applying online, you only require to modify the format of your resume.   The aim is to make it much easier for you to email your documents to the employers. In an oline application, it is critical that your resume has all the necessary keywords.  This is to pull in more attention from prospective employers.  Basically, you can improve your exposure online by using significant keywords that your prospective employers are most probable to use to search for likely candidates.

5 Career Development Strategies

A successful career development strategy should consider a minimum of five strategies, including the definition of a career target, building of a personal network, use of online social netwrok tools, constant improvement of personal skills and the development of a personal brand. Presented in this article are five proven strategies for career development which most of the really successful people are applying.  You might find that it is just common sense, by applying these strategies your chanced of developing a successful career can skyrocket.  These are the five strategies: 1.   Define a Career Target  The first step in the career development process is defining a concrete career target.  What do you like to change in your career?  Where do you want to be in two and in five years?  Defining a career target and mean for some people trying to get to the next step on the career ladder, for other people it might signify doing something completel...

The Girl I Used to Be

The Girl I Used to Be Author Unknown She came tonight as I sat alone,
 the girl I used to be,
 And she gazed at me with her earnest eyes,
 and questioned reproachfully,
 Have you forgotten the many plans,
 and hopes I had for you?
 The great career,
 the splendid fame,
 all the wonderful things to do?
 Where is the mansion of stately height,
 with all of its gardens rare?
 The silken robes that I dreamed for you,
 and the shining jewels in your hair?
 And as she spoke, I was very sad,
 for I wanted her pleased with me,
 This slender girl from the shadowy past,
 the girl I used to be.

Attitude Makes All The Difference

Zig Ziglar has the ability to change one's perspective about things and make you think about yourself.

Are You Working Your Passion?

In today's world a lot of us are not doing what WE want to do.  We are doing what others want us to, doing what's comfortable to us for fear of stepping out of our comfort zone.  Invision "What would it feel like if you made the decision to do what it is that YOU want to do?" "What would if feel like if you were actually doing something that YOU are passionate about?"  Those are very good questions.  In the book, "Work It Girl! The Black Woman's Guide to Professional Success" is a book that showcases various women from all walks of life that have stepped out of their comfort zone and are now doing their passion. The co-author, Pamela M. McBride stepped and chose Work It, Girl doing her passion, and that passion is writing.  The book inspires others to do what they are being called to do.  The message of the book is, whether you are in a military career, corporate career, freelance career, or a professional career, you can Work It to ...

Is T.V. Rotting Your Kids Brains?

There's an article that states, "Kids' TV time linked to school woes, bad habits." Young children who watch a lot of TV aren't just missing out on more stimulating activities. They may also be destined for problems at school and unhealthier habits later in life, new research suggests. Each additional hour of TV that toddlers watch per week translates into poorer classroom behavior, lower math scores, less physical activity, and more snacking at age 10, according to a new study in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. "Kids should be doing things that are intellectually enriching: playing with board games, playing with dice, playing with things that will improve their motor skills, reading," says the lead author of the study, Linda Pagani, Ph.D., a professor in the School of Psychoeducation at the University of Montreal, in Quebec. "All that is replaced by sitting on the couch."

The Teen Doc

Teens need consistency.  Without it, nothing changes, but with it, you can enjoy a better relationship with your teen. Being a Connected Parent means being connected to something else other than your jobs, your cars, your blackberrys, etc.  It means tuning into your child, hence, tuning into their emotional and mental states.  Ask your self  "Do you really want to be there for your child?  Or are you just going through the motions?  Do you actually listen to your child, and not only hear them, but really listen to them when they speak or want ot talk to you?  Or are you too busy with other things?  These are questions that trigger the minds of our children and have some of them wondering if their parents actually care about them.

Beautiful Paintings

The colors are beautiful; the attention to detail is phenomenal;  the ability to capture the essence of the subject is great.  Monique Cooper does just that in her paintings.  Her paintings make you feel as if you're actually in the painting.  You feel the warmth of the colors and the heart of the detail. 

Island Destinations

Spring is here and the Summer is vastly approaching us.  The weather will be nice in all parts of the Northern U.S., especially in the Southern Region parts. If you are considering a destination place for your vacation, your honeymoon, 2nd honeymoon, or just to get away, you might want to consider a destination to the Islands.


They see each other again after three years of their high school break up. Marcus comes to Tonju's neighborhood wanting to talk to her. She can't believe he's come across town to see her. Her heart races from just seeing him, but her curiosity says "What does he want?". Marcus hurt her when they broke up. He decided Tonju was too much of a "good girl" so he went after someone else that had been around a bit more. Plus, he was graduating soon. By that time she, Tonju was a junior. When Marcus saw Tonju he couldn't believe his eyes, she was still the same little girl to him after three years. Marcus wanted to hug her but Tonju was standoffish with him. "What do you want Marcus?" "Hello to you too, Tonju. I want you." "You've got to be kidding me? After what happened between us? How you hurt me?" "I didn't mean to and I do apologize. I miss you. I miss us." "What have you been up to Marcus...

The Difference Between Sizzle and Steak in Your Business

Today's business owners are being courted by too many diverse tools and not enought proven techniques, say seasoned strategist and Master Certified Coach Lorenda Phillips.  Goals, strategy, and action are key structures for a thriving and successful business.  Lorenda does believe that you can network you way to success with the proven Time Management: Less is the New More. If you take a look at the classis Frank Capra film "It's a Wonderful Life" and see it through the eyes as an Entrepreneur, you can master the skills of generosity and appreciation. On the lines of "failure," Lorenda does not view failure as a bad thing.  One can learn from their failures and use them as stepping stones for the future.  Don't take failures to heart. To find out more about Lorenda Phillips and Phillips Coaching and Consulting, go to . Until Next Time, Jeane' Elliott Bennett

Looking For Online Money Management Sites

If you're looking for a way to manage your money online for convenience and to have your records at your finger tips, here a just a few... Buxfer Mint MoneyStrands Thrive Wesabe The Do's and Dont's of Managing Your Money Online DO read the company's privacy and security policies. DON'T assume that the entire process has to be automated. Most sites offer manual uploads for consumers who want more control. DO update the anti-virus and internet security software on your computer before getting started. DON'T pick the first site you come across. Check out your options and compare features and benefits before taking the time to enter all of your financial data. Compliments of Black Enterprise Magazine Until Next Time, Jeane' Elliott Bennett Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Are You a Woman Struggling to Find Your Voice, Value, Purpose and Power?

Have you every wondered how a woman's life is different from male's?  Have you ever been a situation that you had and wanted to get out of?  Have you ever wanted to quit and run away?  Have you ever wanted to free yourself from your past?  Had low self-esteem? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then it's time to Free Yourself From Your Past and Escape Your Past.

Treat Her to Her Favorite Scent

Do you know that lavender is's a good aromotheraphy for relaxation?                 With Mother's Day just around the corner, what better way to show the Lady in your life, whether she's your Mother, your Wife, your Significant Other, or just your Friend, that you care about her. Make Her Day a Special Day.  Let her relax and enjoy a scent of her choice to get her senses flowing.  How about Apple Pie or Cherry Pie to open up the senses as if she was actually baking? Whichever is Her, she'll love you for it. To see the entire listing of Candles, Bath and Body, along with Cosmetics, go to: Until Next Time Jeane' Elliott Bennett

Grilled Trout over Angel Hair Pasta

This was a fun and easy meal to make.  The entire prep took about 20 minutes...give or take.  1 lb. of fresh trout 2 tablespoons of melted margarine 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice dashes of seasoning salt, poultry seasoning, marjoram, rosemary, and ground taste 1 tablespoon of salt or sea salt 2 tablespoons of vegetable or canola oil Heat your George Forman Grill (if you have one) In a small saucepan on the stove, melt the margarine, add the lemon juice and the spices.  Baise the the trout with the margarine mixture, covering both sides of the trout and under the skin (if the is skin on the trout). Place the marinated trout on the grill and grill on both sides of at least 3 minutes.  Yes, also, the side with the skin on it.  You will see the pink of the trout start to darken, just a's getting done.  Once the trout is grilled, remove it from the grill and place on a plate or cutting board.  Cut the trout into cubes. ...

The Super Coach

Do you know what a PSYCH-K is?  I didn't until this morning.  a PSYCH-K is a process that actually can "reprogram" your subconscious mind to support your desires.  Now how awesome is that?  I found it to be great information.

#1 Job of Marketing

What is the #1 thing small businesses overlook in their marketing?  What is a persona?  Why do we need personas?  The answers to these and other questions about marketing can be found at Pollock Market Group by none other than Paula Pollock . 

On a Mission to Motivate the World

Karriem " The Coach K of Life " Smith is a hard working man.  He is a successful entrepreneur, life coach, sales coach, motivational speaker, radio show host and hip hop clown for children with special needs. Being a man of integrity that won't just sell you a dream, but help you live that dream.  He shares his great wisdom on sales, business and life by small businesses.  He coaches children as well as adults. 

An Entrepreneur

Do you consider yourself an Entrepreneur ?  Do you Think Like an Entrepreneur ?  Now is the time to put yourself best foot forward and start thinking like an Entrepreneur .  Author, Coach, and Motivational Speaker, Deborah A. Bailey will help you think like an Entrepreneur . 

Women's Success Circle

What is your Genius ?  How you find your Genius ?  Having trouble answering those two questions?  This is where you go into yourself and find out what it is that YOU like and want to do. 

The WOW! Image

Just as advertising and marketing are essential for your business so are branding, a logo, the name of your business, as well as the colors.  Those items can be a deal breaker for your business if they don't  coincide with the mission of your business.

The 10 Wealth for Life Principles

1. I will live within my means. 2. I will maximize my income potential through education and training. 3. I will effectively manage my budget, credit, debt, and tax obligations. 4. I will save a least 10 percent of my income. 5. I will use homeownership as a foundation for building wealth. 6. I will devise an investment plan for my retirement needs and children's education. 7. I will ensure that my entire family adheres to sensible money management principles. 8. I will support the creation and growth of minority-owned businesses. 9. I will guarantee my wealth is passed on to future generations through proper insurance and estate planning. 10. I will strengthen my community through philanthropy. These principles compliments of Black Enterprise Magazine. Until Next Time, Jeane' Elliott Bennett Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Hit The Ground Running

Being in business for yourself takes planning.  Whether it's a home based business or an out of the home business, strategic planning is essential.  Have you put your plan into place or even thought about your plan before starting your business?  If you haven't, now is the time to start. With a plan, you can Elevate Your Business to new heights.  Having a plan is S.Y.S.T.E.M.S. = Save Yourself Stress, Time, Energy, Money -- and Succeed.

Circumstances and Situations Do Not Define Us, They Reveal Us

Do you believe that your only limitation is the sky, and with that mindset your expectations and efforts will beocme boundless?  Well, if you answered No, Dr. Anita Davis DeFoe can show you how to gain that mindset and turn that No into a Yes! Dr. DeFoe is the author of Follow Her Lead: Leadership Lessons for Women As They Journey From the Backroom to the Boardroom.

Debit Card Fraud: Is Your Money at Risk?

Debit Card Fraud: Is Your Money at Risk? by Amy Fontinelle Monday, March 29, 2010 provided by (I) Investopedia Debit card fraud occurs when a criminal gains access to your debit card number and, in some cases, PIN, to make unauthorized purchases and/or withdraw cash from your account. There are many different methods of obtaining your information, from unscrupulous employees to hackers gaining access to your data from a retailer's unsecure computer. When your debit card is used fraudulently, the money is missing from your account instantly. Payments you've scheduled or checks you've mailed may bounce; you may not be able to afford necessities, and it can take awhile for the fraud to be cleared up and the money restored to your account.

Vivacious Living

Are your ready to start Breaking the Invisible Chains , and start Gaining the Confidence to Redesign Your Life?  Are you ready to live a Vivacious Life? I hope your answer to these two questions is YES! 

How to Claim Home Office Deductions

New rules were instituted in 1999 for claiming an office in home deduction on your taxreturn.  If you couldn't deduc these expenses under the old tax law, you may be able to do so now. Recording the Deductions 1.  If you are self-employed, transfer the deduction to Schedule C. 2.  I you are an employee, transfr the deduction first to line 4 of Form 2106, if you are using it,o directly to e miscellaneous deductions section of Schedule A.

5-Step Breakthrough Wealth Flow System

In this system the presentation includes: *  Stop Laying Small and Step into More *  Ignite YOur Wealth Flow for 2010 *  Overcommitted, Overwhelmed and Overcooked:  Mastering Stress and Struggle *  Step Into Wealth Flow:  Initiate, Innovate & Inspire *  Uncover Your Wealth IQ and Rocket Straight to Your Dreams

How to Reduce Expenses in a Home Based Business

Working from home is less costlly than renting office space.  Especially if you're paying a mortgage or renting a home or and apartment.  Once you've decided to skip the hassle and expense of commuting, there are additional ways to reduce your costs.


Have you ever thought that you couldn't obtain academic, social and financial success?  How about all of those as a writer?  You can. Lisa Kastner tells us that if you can put pen to paper and have a thought, you can write.  Writing begins with a story to tell, and we all have a story to tell.  Whether you're a novice or experienced writer, you can obtain success. 

Public Speaking

Most people think of public speaking as delivering a written speech.  But its also thought of in a broader term.  Its also delivering a message or a point you want to get across. In business, it is so important that business owners know the subject matter in which they are going to be speaking on.  They should also have a passion for their service or product. 

How to Manage Your Time

Time marches on for some and over for others. Deadlines are a hitchhikers guide into the galaxy...I love the sound they make as they go swishing by. Computers and the Internet were supposed to make life easier; instead, people are busier than ever.  Wheer you are single or juggling family responsibilities, learn to manage your time to get as mu as you can out of each day.


Have you ever thought of some of the hard times in your life and felt that there was nothing that you could do about them?  How about once you thought about those hard times, reality bit you into the present?  Did you stop and think " How do you move forward ?"  These are questions that some of us ask ourselves on a day to day basis.  Not knowing where to start; not knowing how to get up and get over it . It's hard.

How to Stop Procrastinating and Work Efficiently

There's an old joke that the members of Procrastinators Anonymous keep meaning to meet...but keep putting it off. 1.  Think about why you procrastinate:  Are you afraid of failing at the task?  Are you a perfectionist and only willing to begin working after every little element is in place?  Are you easily distracted? 2.  Break up a large, difficult projecgt into several smaller pieces.  Tackle each piece separately.  3.  Set deadlines for completion.  Try assigning yourself small-scale deadline for example, commit to reading a certain number of pages in the next hour.

Are You Devoted or Devoured?

Those who are devoted... * work to live * keep each job and its responsibilities separate from the other * don't brag about their accomplishments, they just enjoy what they do * have time for themselves, their jobs, and their families * spend extra hours getting their presentation or project just right * see their "to-do" list as a welcome challenge * can see the light at the end of the tunnel * work to achieve their best * say "no" for the sake of balance and optimum work performance * work hard and smart to leave time for play * maintain a schedule * understand that they must take time to renew themselves

Freedom At Home

With the rising cost of healthcare, it's almost impossible for families to afford a doctors visit. One visit alone can be costly let alone if there is medication that is needed.  Bear in mind, if you have to call the parademics for transportation to the ememrgency room or even to come out to you for and emergency, you will be charged.  Yes, that's right, you will receive a bill in the mail for their services.  Yikes!

How to Set Up a Home Office

Once you're ready to set up your business in your home, it's time to turn your little corner into a real corner office.  Your office...

The Dynamic Diva

If you missed today's show , you can check out the archives.  You missed a GREAT! show. Ladies, Dr. Elon Bomani shared some insight with us this morning that you wouldn't believe.  Dr. Bomani is a single mother with a rags to real estate riches story that will astound you.  She went from homeless to over a millon net worth in a manner of 1 and 1/2 years starting with just $36.00 in her checking account and a dream.